
Associate Professor of Sustainable Technology
Eden Hall lgg2

Societal transition to renewable energy; large-scale use of solar electricity sustainable, equitable and resilient cities and the role of partnerships; climate-energy-water-food nexus; climate adaptation.


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虹膜格罗斯曼n is Associate Professor of Sustainable Technology at Chatham University’s 福克可持续发展学院. Dr. Grossmann's research focuses on the societal transition to renewable energy, large-scale solar electricity networks, 城市和社区的可持续性, 气候适应能力. Dr. 格罗斯曼拥有博士学位.D. 地球科学/气象学硕士学位.S. 在数学方面. She has worked on interdisciplinary problems in the areas of energy, climate and the environment since 2002. She holds an adjunct Assistant Professor affiliation with the Department of Engineering and Public Policy at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU). Previously she was a 研究 Scientist at the Department of Engineering and Public Policy at CMU where she also taught and advised students. During 2015-2016 she served as Director of Education at CMU’s Steinbrenner Institute for 环境al Education and 研究 where she focused on developing materials for climate and energy literacy. 在福尔克学校. Grossmann teaches on renewable energy, 系统工具, 城市和社区的可持续性, 气候适应能力.

  • Ph.D., 地质、气象, University of 汉堡 and International Max Planck 研究 School on Earth System Modeling, 汉堡, 德国, 2005
  • M.S., Mathematics, University of 汉堡, 德国, 2001
  • B.S., Mathematics, University of 汉堡, 德国, 1998
  • 奥地利n National Bank: Effective unilateral climate policy: Complementing the EU ETS (8/16-7/18). 角色:副PI (PI: Karl W. 。施). Collaboration with the Wegener Center for Climate and Global Change at the University of Graz, 奥地利. $300,000.
  • Belmont Forum G8 研究 Councils Initiative: FuturAgua: Enhancing adaptation and resilience to drought in dry tropical social-ecological systems – The Guanacaste, 哥斯达黎加案例(2013年9月- 2016年8月). 角色:副导演(导演:蒂姆·麦克丹尼尔斯). Collaboration with the University of British Columbia (UBC, 加拿大), Agricultural 研究 for Development (CIRAD, 法国), and Center for Tropical Agricultural 研究 and Education (CATIE, 哥斯达黎加). $1,600,000.
  • 奥地利n Climate 研究 Program: RE-ADJUST: Sharing in the Greenhouse – from production to consumption relevance (6/2013-5/2015). Role: Co-PI (PI: Birgit Bednar-Friedl). Collaboration with the Wegener Center for Climate and Global Change and the Department of Philosophy at the University of Graz (奥地利) and IIASA (奥地利). $360,000.
  • National Science Foundation (NSF) Engineering Directorate: Center for Climate and Energy Decision Making (2010-2015). Role: Affiliate 研究er (PI: Inez Lima Azevedo). $5,997,094.