
柯立芝- 231

家乡:圣. 路易斯,莫




  • Ph.博士,孟菲斯大学(孟菲斯,田纳西州),2011
  • M.S.,孟菲斯大学(孟菲斯,田纳西州),2008年
  • B.A. in 心理学, University of Missouri-Columbia (Columbia, MO), 2007
  • B.A. 社会学,密苏里-哥伦比亚大学(哥伦比亚,密苏里州),2007年
  • Glikson E. & 赖尔登,M. A. (2024). Beneficial outcomes of (appropriate) nonverbal displays of negative affect in virtual teams人类行为中的计算机. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2024.108165
  • 赖尔登,M. A. & Glikson E. (2020). On the hazards of the technology age: How using emojis affects perceptions of leaders国际商务传播杂志. http://doi.org/10.1177/2329488420971690
  • 赖尔登,M. A. & Glikson E. (2020). On the hazards of the technology age: How using emojis affects perceptions of leaders. 国际商务传播杂志.
  • 赖尔登,M. A.阿博-西比巴., & 沼泽,J. (2020). A comparison of multimedia and traditional paper assignments in an introductory psychology course. 心理学教学
  • 赖尔登,M. A.约翰逊,A. A., & Kreuz R. J. (即将到来的). 交流影响:面对面和在线. 在米. Filimowicz & V. Tzankova (Eds.)、重新想象沟通(第二卷):体验. 伦敦:劳特利奇.
  • Kreuz R. J., & 赖尔登,M. A. (2018). 转录的艺术:系统和方法问题. 在一个. H. 张超,K. P. 施耐德, & W. Bublitz (Eds.语用学中的方法. 柏林:穆顿·德·格吕特.
  • 赖尔登,M. A.克鲁兹,R. J., & 布莱尔,一个. N. (2018). 数字鸿沟:传达在线交流的微妙之处. 计算机科学与技术,2016,33 (5):449 - 466. doi: 10.1007/s40692-018-0100-
  • 赖尔登,M. A. (2017). The communicative role of non-face emojis: Affect and disambiguation. 人类行为中的计算机. doi: 10.1016/j.慢性乙肝.2017.07.009
  • 赖尔登,M. A. (2017). Emojis as tools for emotion work: Communicating affect in text messages. 语言与社会心理学杂志. doi: 10.1177/0261927X17704238
  • 赖尔登,M. A. & Trichtinger L. A. (2017). Overconfidence at the keyboard: Confidence and accuracy in interpreting affect in email exchanges. 人类传播研究,43,1-24. doi: 10.1111 / hcre.12093
  • 赖尔登,M. A.克鲁兹,R. J., & 奥尔尼,. M. (2014). 一致性是会话动态的一个功能. 语言与社会心理学杂志,33,465-481. doi: 10.1177/0261927X13512306
  • Kreuz R. J., & 赖尔登,M. A. (2014). 夸张. 在年代. Attardo (Ed.),《波胆网站》,第一卷(第1页). 222-224). 千橡市,加州:Sage出版社.
  • Kovaz D.克鲁兹,R. J., & 赖尔登,M. A. (2013). Distinguishing sarcasm from literal language: Evidence from books and blogging. 语篇处理,50,598-615. doi: 10.1080/0163853X.2013.849525
  • 赖尔登,M. A.马克曼,K. M., & 斯图尔特,C. O. (2013). Communication accommodation in instant messaging: An examination of temporal convergence. 语言与社会心理学杂志,32.
  • 康奈尔,P. T.M .赖尔登. A.汤森德-格维斯,M., & 莫布里,R. (2011). Barriers to critical thinking: Workflow interruptions and task switching among nurses. 护理管理杂志,41,407-414.
  • 赖尔登,M. A.戴尔,R。.克鲁兹,R. J., & 奥尔尼,. (2011). Evidence for alignment in a computer-mediated text-only environment. 在L. 卡尔森,C. 霍尔舍, & T.F. 皮普(Eds.), Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 2411-2416). 奥斯汀,德克萨斯州:认知科学学会.
  • Kreuz R. J., & 赖尔登,M. A. (2011). 面对面交流的记录. 在W. Bublitz & N. Norrick (Eds.),《波胆网站》(第8页). 657-679). 柏林:穆顿·德·格吕特.
  • 康奈尔,P. T.M .赖尔登. A., & Herrin D. (2010). Transforming nursing workflow, part 2: The impact of technology on nurse activities. 护理管理杂志,40,432-439.
  • 赖尔登,M. A., & Kreuz R. J. (2010). 计算机媒介交际中的线索:语料库分析. 计算机与人类行为,26,1806-1817.
  • 赖尔登,M. A., & Kreuz R. J. (2010). Emotion encoding and interpretation in computer-mediated communication: Reasons for use. 中文信息学报,26 (6):1667-1673.
  • Bartholow B. D.M .赖尔登. A.索尔斯,J. S., & 欲望,年代. A. (2009). Psychophysiological evidence of response conflict and strategic control of responses in affective priming. 心理科学学报,29 (5):655-666.
  • 赖尔登,M. A. & Glikson E. (2023年6月). I’m sorry 😔: Is authenticity of a virtual apology affected by an emoji? 文本与话语学会rd 年度会议,挪威奥斯陆.
  • Glikson E. & 赖尔登,M. A. 5月(2023). The positive implications of using negative GIFs: What social information can be communicated by using non-facial GIFs? 欧洲情绪研究联盟th 年会在以色列海法举行.
  • 赖尔登,M. A. & Glikson E. (2023年4月). The impact of emojis and GIFs on perceptions of workplace chat messages: Emotional intensity and relationship warmth. 东方通讯协会th 在马里兰州巴尔的摩市举行的年度会议.
  • 赖尔登,M. A. & Glikson E. (2022年11月). 发短信求助:使用动图可以增加同理心. 心理经济学学会st 在马萨诸塞州波士顿举行的年度会议.赖尔登,M. A. & Glikson E. (2020年11月). Leaders appear more likeable when they use emojis– as long as the emoji use is appropriate. 在第61届心理学会年会上发表. (虚拟)
  • 科尔,年代.费雷尔,A., & 赖尔登,M. A. (2020年11月). Political divisiveness on 脸谱网 and 推特: A linguistic analysis. Presented at the 106th annual meeting of the National Communication Association, 印第安纳波利斯, 印第安纳州. (虚拟)
  • 努森,F. & 赖尔登,M. A. (2020年11月). Facial dissatisfaction prompts selfie-editing behavior, leading to appearance modification attempts. Presented at the 106th annual meeting of the National Communication Association, 印第安纳波利斯, 印第安纳州. (虚拟)
  • 科尔,年代.费雷尔,A., & 赖尔登,M. A. (2020年4月). Technology in the age of Trump: Political discourse is shaped by social media. To be presented at the 111th annual meeting of the Eastern Communication Association, 巴尔的摩, 马里兰.
  • Glikson E. & 赖尔登,M. A. (2020年1月). 使用表情符号对感知领导效能的影响. Presented at the 5th annual meeting of the 以色列 Organizational Behavior Conference, 特拉维夫, 以色列.
  • 赖尔登,M. A. & Glikson E. (2019年11月). On the hazards of the technology age: How using emojis affects perceptions of leaders. Presented at the 105th annual meeting of the National Communication Association, 巴尔的摩, 马里兰.
  • 赖尔登,M. A. (2018年11月). 表情符号的使用并不能预测关系的亲密程度. Presented at the 59th annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society, New Orleans, Louisiana.
  • 赖尔登,M. A. (2018年4月). 年龄到底有多重要? 在线交流和数字鸿沟. Presented at the 109th annual meeting of the Eastern Communication Association, 匹兹堡, 宾西法尼亚.
  • 赖尔登,M. A. (2018年3月). 语言交流:表情符号是一种通用语言. Invited talk at the Society for Personality and Social 心理学 preconference, Atlanta, Georgia.
  • 赖尔登,M. A. (2017年11月). 非面部表情符号消除了短信的歧义. Presented at the 58th annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Vancouver, Canada.
  • 赖尔登,M. A. (2016年11月). 表情符号让你看起来更快乐. Presented at the 57th annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society in Boston, Massachusetts.
  • 赖尔登,M. A. & Trichtinger L. A. (2015年11月). Relational and contextual effects on the confidence and accuracy of interpreting affect in email exchanges. Presented at the 101st annual meeting of the National Communication Association in Las Vegas, Nevada.
  • Kovaz D. M.M .赖尔登. A.特里廷格,L., & Kreuz R. J. (2014年11月). The effects of cooperation and relationship status on alignment in conversation. Presented at the 55th annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society in Long Beach, California.
  • Kreuz R. J.布莱尔,A. N., & 赖尔登,M. A. (2014年8月). Digital immigrants evaluate text messages differently than digital natives. Presented at the 24th annual meeting of the Society for Text and Discourse in Chicago, Illinois.
  • Kovaz D.克鲁兹,R. J., & 赖尔登,M. A. (2013年11月). “That’s ur opinion”: Alignment and agreement in computer-mediated communication. Presented at the 54th annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society in Toronto, Canada.
  • 赖尔登,M. A.克鲁兹,R. J., & 奥尔尼,. (2012年11月). 一致性是对话和关系动态的功能. Presentation at the 53rd annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
  • 赖尔登,M. A., & Kreuz R. J. (2012年5月). The communicative efficacy of email: The effect of situation and interpersonal context. Paper presented at the 2nd annual meeting of the Midwest Cognitive Science Conference in Bloomington, 印第安纳州.
  • 赖尔登,M.A. (2012年2月). 通过电子邮件进行社交:你今天感觉怎么样? Invited talk at the Experimental 心理学 Brownbag Talk Series in 孟菲斯, 田纳西州
  • 赖尔登,M. A. (2012年2月). The art of communicating through computers: Encoding and interpreting messages in text-only environments. Honorary speaker at the 42nd annual meeting of the Mid-South Conference on Communicative Disorders in 孟菲斯, 田纳西州.
  • 赖尔登,M. A., & Kreuz R. J. (2011年8月). Expressing emotion online: What we've got here is a failure to communicate. Paper presented at the 17th annual meeting of the Cognitive Science Association for Interdisciplinary Learning in Hood River, 俄勒冈州.
  • 赖尔登,M. A. & 神枪手,K. M. (2011年7月). Structural accommodation in persuasive instant messaging conversations. Paper presented at the 21st annual meeting of the Society for Text and Discourse in Poitiers, France.
  • 赖尔登,M. A., & Kreuz R. J. (2010年4月). 网上情感表达. 在C语言中. O. Stewart (Chair), Discursive management of potentially problematic communication. Paper presented at the 80th annual meeting of the Southern States Communication Association, 孟菲斯, 田纳西州.