
问题式学习 (PBL) is the cornerstone of Chatham's Doctorate of Physical Therapy program.


Developed by 如何ard Barrows and associates at McMaster University for medical education, problem-based learning (PBL) has been implemented in a number of healthcare professional educational programs.

基于问题的学习是一种严谨的学习方式, highly structured teaching methodology which places the student in a position of active responsibility for learning and mastering content. 在一群同伴中, the student learns new material by confronting and solving problems in the form of a clinical patient case.

Students work in small groups (8-10 students) in which a faculty member serves as a facilitator. Rather than listening to a lecture on a given topic (teacher-centered learning), students are presented with a patient case which typically integrates previously learned information with a great deal of new content. The group must come to consensus about what they would need to know in order to manage the patient case. They do this by developing "learning issues" or topics which represent questions about the case. Sample learning issues might be: 如何 does a stroke involving the middle cerebral artery stroke typically present? 淋巴系统的解剖结构和功能是什么? 病人的虚弱和步态障碍有关吗? 如何? 重症肌无力的流行病学是什么? 就个人而言, 然后学生们通过教科书来研究这些主题, 评论文章, 同行评议的研究, 以及电子数据库.

本周晚些时候, students regroup to discuss their findings and apply them to the patient case at hand. 而不是说教, the faculty member facilitates discussion and asks questions to ascertain that students are learning the material to the appropriate breadth and depth required of a physical therapist.


研究 indicates that PBL embodies a learning approach that effectively helps students to develop scientific thinking about patients’ problems and to acquire both basic science and clinical information in a manner that ensures retention and transfer [of learning] to the real-life task of the clinician. (Barrows) Recent studies indicate that graduates of problem-based healthcare educational programs perform well (most studies indicate better than students from more traditional educational programs) on board exams and exhibit secure clinical learning and reasoning skills to the betterment of their patients.


因为新材料的获取是围绕一个病人的案例展开的, students constantly learn and apply information in the context of solving a patient problem. 例如, students might be required to answer the following questions posed by the tutor: based on the pathophysiology of his disease process, 在治疗这个病人时,哪些预防措施是重要的? 如何 would you handle the patient’s emotional affect in order to accomplish your treatment? 如何 might the patient’s medications influence the outcome of today’s intervention? What tests and measures might be appropriate for the patient given their current status?


As Chatham physical therapy students are learning how to ask questions through the pbl process, 他们还学会研究答案. 我们的学生在数据库检索方面变得相当熟练, 评论期刊文章, 综合各种来源的信息.


Since group members are dependent on each other for enriching discussion and subsequent learning, 每个学生都必须参加PBL课程, 还是通过自愿提供信息, 问问题, 寻求澄清, 确认同伴的想法, 或与患者病例相关的信息. pbl过程中固有的, Chatham students learn how to function as individual members of a team, conferring for the greater good (learning the material/treating the patient).

Students also have an opportunity to evaluate the participation skills of their classmates (preparation, 临床推理, 学习资源的质量, 团队技能, 各自的倾听)和自己, 书面和口头形式. This teaches critical reflection and the skills of providing/receiving constructive criticism.

Chatham University’s physical therapy program employs a modified problem-based learning format in its clinical arts and sciences course work. Five to 12 carefully crafted cases are the “anchors” around which other content is taught. The curriculum includes extensive laboratory experiences as well as special topic seminars which complement and reinforce content learned in PBL sessions. 查塔姆的其他课程, 包括基础科学课程, 是在比较传统的学校里教的吗, 授课为基础的格式.


遇到不熟悉的问题时, 学生将能够建造, 组织, and articulate the basic science knowledge and concepts which can explain the problem and which can then be employed to resolve the problem.


The student will demonstrate the ability to use the 临床推理 process in the investigation and solution of medical problems.


When a student encounters a problem that he or she is unable to explain, the student will be able to design and implement satisfactory learning strategies, 监督个人知识和技能的充分性, 评估使用的自主学习策略的有效性, 批判性地评估学习资源的充分性, 质量, 和信誉.



  1. 适当的面谈和体检技巧
  2. Effective interpersonal skills while interacting with patients, peers, faculty and others
  3. 文化敏感性

Koh GC-H. 邱,他. 等.  The effects of problem-based learning during medical school on physician competency: a systematic review. 医疗协会 2008;178(1):34-41

巴雷特米. 摩尔年代. eds. 基于问题的学习的新方法. 纽约:劳特利奇出版社,2011

Yaqinuddin一. Kvietys P. 等. PBL performance correlates with content acquisition assessment: a study in a hybrid PBL program at Alfaisal University.  医学的老师 2012;34:83

Karantzas GC. 艾弗里先生. 等. Enhancing critical analysis and problem-solving skills in undergraduate psychology: an evaluation of a collaborative learning and problem-based learning approach. 澳大利亚心理学 2013;65:38-45

Dujin提单. 基于问题的学习:医学生经验回顾. J教育实践 2019;10(21):74-82

贝恩米. Kaliski DZ. An anatomy workshop for improving anatomy self-efficacy and competency when transitioning into a problem-based learning, 物理治疗博士项目. 杂志建造 2020;44:39-49




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